Mediterran snapper tray bake

Mediterran snapper tray bake


With a whole fish on top of truss tomatoes and potatoes, this fresh tray bake is perfect for entertaining. Maecenas sapien lorem, fringilla nec purus in, rutrum ultrices justo. Vestibulum nec orci sed dolor aliquam pharetra. Aliquam non enim eget metus venenatis auctor eu id justo. Phasellus posuere iaculis augue nec placerat. Nulla quis aliquam eros, a feugiat orci. Nullam neque augue, rutrum eget pulvinar a, porttitor vitae dui. Meanwhile, place oregano, dill, rind, caraway seeds and remaining oil in a small food processor. Season with salt and pepper. Process until finely chopped. Make 4 slits on each side of fish. Rub dill mixture in cavity and in slits of fish. Place fish on potato mixture. Bake for 15 minutes.


Total Time




First of all, check if you have all the necessary ingredients for this recipe. Pay attention to the quantities!
Next, follow the steps to finalize your dish and finally be able to enjoy it!

Comments & Reviews

Good Job. Cut remaining tomatoes into small portions. Add tomatoes, olives and capers to tray. Bake for a further 15 minutes or until fish is cooked through. Sprinkle with extra herbs. Serve with lemon wedges.

January 6, 2020

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