About me:

Hi! This is Chef Joaquim Monteiro hailing from Goa, India. I am 42years old and have been professionally in the cooking line for the last 12 years. I can proudly say that I am living my childhood dream of wanting to be a Chef!

Was it hard? Well, when I began my training, it wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be. However over the years through my work experience, I have come to realise that stress and tension can play with your mind, but it always matters how hard you want it!

Every day, when I’m in the kitchen I deal as if it is my first order. Every person that tries my food is important to me. The satisfaction of the people that I cook for, is the reason why I decided to become a Chef!

Most of us Chefs, are extremely passionate about what we do, my passion has led me to share with you the recipes that have defined me. As a chef, you’ll have the opportunity to create new dishes, experiment with unique ingredients, and maybe even come up with your own restaurant concept someday. Culinary art is an amazing field for individuals who want to showcase their creativity through food. End of the day its guest satisfaction. To feed someone it a blessing

This website is for all those who shared the same passion.. Welcome and Bon Appétit…

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